Beethoven is regarded by many to be the greatest composer who ever lived, and this collection presents 30 essential recordings of his most well-known works. From the beautiful moods of lamentation in the Moonlight Sonata to the amorous sophistication of Fur Elise, and from the heroism of Fidelio to the mighty finale of the Choral Symphony, every significant facet of Beethovens monumental achievement is represented in this collection of exemplary performances from the Naxos catalogue. 2020 is the 250th anniversary of Beethovens birth, and the catalogues are already filling up with new releases to mark this significant event. What better then, to have a comprehensive audio guide to the best of his orchestral, chamber, vocal and piano music, providing an entertaining collection for both pleasure and discovery and a springboard into an entire world of great music that recently found its summit in our 90-album boxed set of Beethovens complete works.こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。
2020/4/24 発売
CD / クラシック / 吹奏楽コンクール自由曲レパートリー集 vol.2 「たそがれの狐」 / POCS-1542
パーヴォ・ヤルヴィ(指揮)フランクフルト放送交響楽団 / ブルックナー:交響曲第0番(ハイブリッドCD) [CD]
ボリス・ギルトブルグ(p) / ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ全集 [CD]
【中古】 ます*ピアノ五重奏曲イ長調
【中古】 R.シュトラウス:楽劇「ばらの騎士」/ヘルベルト・フォン・カラヤン
DVD Japans Best for 2017 中学校編(BOD-3163/第65回全日本吹奏楽コンクール全国大会ベスト盤)
郡愛子/羽田健太郎 / 日本抒情歌集 [CD]